马来西亚登嘉楼大学科学学院(School of Science)

       2020-8-18     院系研究

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School of Science

State of the art academic infrastructure at present can accommodate studies in eight Schools, namely Marine Science and the Environment; Fisheries and Aquaculture Science; Maritime Business and Management; Marine Engineering; Food Science and Technology; Informatics and  Applied Mathematics; Economic and Social Development; and Fundamental Science. The campus also has a Centre for Education - Basic Education and
Liberal; and four Research Institutes - Oceanography and Environment(INOS); Tropical Aquaculture (AKUATROP); Marine Biotechnology (IBM); Kenyir Research (IPK). Currently the campus can accommodate up to 12,500 students. UMT campus is also equipped with a wide range of supporting learning facilities. Among them - Sultan Mizan Hall; Sultanah Nur Zahirah Digital Learning Center, Tengku Muhammad Ismail Sports Complex; and Students College. We are ardent to develop a modern infrastructure of Students College on and off campus so it can meet the needs of all national and international students. Modern sports facilities enable campus recreation moreover polishing sporting talent in a variety of favored
events. UMT is committed to groom the talent of students in water-sports - swimming, diving, kayaking, rowing and sailing. This is consistent with the idea of strengthening the scientific and marine recreation.




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